Big Event
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Fond du Lac County
BIG Event
Thursday, July 11, 2019-Radisson Hotel & Conference Center, Fond du Lac
5:00 p.m.-Social
Dinner at 6:30 p.m.
Celebrity Mixologists
Mike Shannon
Dean Jaber
Holiday Automotive
The Watermelon Bomb
Terri Deanovich
Urban Fuel
Hazelnut Cold Brew Martini
Reigning Champion
Pat & Phillip Michels
Michels Corporation
Vodka Gimlet
Rick Froh
Rich Doyle
Grande Cheese Company
The Danger Zone
Mark Deiderichs
Breeze Dairy Group
Kurt Petik
Rabo AgriFinance
Udderly Applicious Old Fashioneds
Gwen Gilles
Gilles Frozen Custard
Blood Orange Manhattan
Dinner Arrangements
Steak or Lobster Dinner $100.00
Steak & Lobster add $25.00
$25 Wristband to taste our mixologists’ special concoctions!
Experience it All
Vote for your favorite “Celebrity Mixologist”
Purchase a chance to win a fabulous ring from The Goldsmith
Bid on our awesome silent & live auction baskets
Celebrate with us! Frank Bonincontri from Holiday Automotive is our local “Big of the Year”
Help us recognize our Bigs & Littles
Easy listening to Fond du Lac piano player Dale Witte
Save room for some surprises!
Our BIG Event helps us raise money to
Inspire Potential in local children.
Every dollar that is raised from this event makes a BIG Difference.
All money stays local and lets us help more kids.
Will you be part of our fun-filled event?
To Register …
Call the Big Brothers Big Sisters office at 920-922-8200
Submit the Registration form linked below
Thank You to our really BIG Sponsors!